M. Erwin De Weerdt
M. Luc Waeghe
M. Bernard Dewit
M. Constantin Van Paemel
Secretary General
Avenue Louise 500
1050 Bruxelles
Who we are
EURACEN wants to strengthen the ties between Europe and Central America, facilitating access to this area, providing useful contacts in loco, supporting new projects and organising B2B meetings to create and foster new commercial and economic cooperation.
Member companies belong to different business sectors such as transport, agro-food, energy, industries, dredging, services including financial, for both public and private sector.
The Embassies of Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, are EURACEN active members and some also co-founders.
Our services
- Networking dinners
- Conferences
- Contacts with federations, private and professional associations, institutions and organisations
- Participation in trade fairs
- Company visits
- Organisation of business trips, trade missions
Our activities
- Networking events, including the presentation of the ambassadors, and organisation of the famous annual “Ambassadors dinner”
- Corporate and delegations hospitality events
- Conferences on current business, legal, financial or tax topics
Number of members
Les Chambres à l’étranger
Vous cherchez une autre Chambre à l'étranger ? Il existe 33 chambres de commerce belgo-luxembourgeoises accréditées à l'étranger. Celles-ci contribuent au développement et à la promotion du commerce bilatéral entre la Belgique, le Luxembourg et un pays tiers. Ils servent de caisse de résonance, soutiennent et aident les entrepreneurs sur des points spécifiques et les aident à explorer de nouveaux marchés à l'étranger.