Russie – Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia

CCBLR Chamber of Commerce – The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia (for Russia and Belarus) is a unique active Benelux Business Organization for the Eurasian Economic Union. Joint efforts to promote business interests, government relations and public relations, B2G, B2B, B2C + highlight and support of a strong Belgian-Luxembourg business community and networking. Based in Moscow, Brussels and Luxembourg City, CCBLR takes a personalized approach for your business strategy, marketing strategy, create effective relations to ensure the commercial success of all member’ companies. Our activities are very large and numerous and are expressed through concrete performances, such as trade-missions, international contacts exchanges, conferences, roundtables, and other events centered on business opportunities. On CCBLR basis – Belgian-Russian and Luxembourg-Russian Business Councils have been established.
Permanent support of the CCBLR Chamber of Commerce, as a privileged mediator in contacts and business relations between the authorities, companies and the government bodies. The CCBLR Chamber of Commerce also assists in hosting delegations, participates in economic missions and exhibitions in these countries;
Administrative promotion in the interest of the members of the chamber.
Participation and organization of current events, fairs, forums, conferences, seminars, training days, business missions etc.
Vous cherchez une autre Chambre à l'étranger ? Il existe 33 chambres de commerce belgo-luxembourgeoises accréditées à l'étranger. Celles-ci contribuent au développement et à la promotion du commerce bilatéral entre la Belgique, le Luxembourg et un pays tiers. Ils servent de caisse de résonance, soutiennent et aident les entrepreneurs sur des points spécifiques et les aident à explorer de nouveaux marchés à l'étranger.