M. Bart Verheyen
Our services
- Provide members and non-members up-to-date information relating to economic, legal, technical, financial, market and other business in Belgium, Luxembourg and Vietnam
- Raise the profile of Vietnam in the Belgian or Luxembourg business community and the profile of Belgium or Luxembourg in the Vietnamese business community
- Complement the bilateral activities carried out by trade missions and business organizations
- Organize company visit
- Assist Belgians, Luxembourg seeking jobs in Vietnam
Who we are
Since its establishment in 2003, Beluxcham has played an important role as the principle voices of the Belgian- Luxembourg business community in Vietnam. We promote the Belgian-Luxembourg-Vietnamese trade relations for their mutual benefit. Herein Vietnam, we are working in a close corporation with European Chamber of Commerce, its partners and local authorities to provide members with the best services.
Our activities
- Organize business lunches, conferences
- Receive and assist to trade missions
- Organize the NETPLUS – a jointly European Networking event
- Organize the Business Achievement Awards for Belgian, Luxembourg companies and businessmen in Vietnam.
- Publish Beluxian newsletter quarterly
- Arrange internship work placement for Belgian , Luxembourg students in Vietnam
Number of members
Les Chambres à l’étranger
Vous cherchez une autre Chambre à l'étranger ? Il existe 33 chambres de commerce belgo-luxembourgeoises accréditées à l'étranger. Celles-ci contribuent au développement et à la promotion du commerce bilatéral entre la Belgique, le Luxembourg et un pays tiers. Ils servent de caisse de résonance, soutiennent et aident les entrepreneurs sur des points spécifiques et les aident à explorer de nouveaux marchés à l'étranger.