Marokko – Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Morocco

Since 1925, the Chamber ensures and promotes the development of economic and trade relations between Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Morocco. It is the 3rd Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber abroad and the 2nd of the network to be accredited since 2002 for its quality of service. It is also a founding member of the EuroCham Morocco. The Chamber’s mission consists of putting you in contact with buyers & suppliers. It provides a real network and a suitable environment to extend your affairs.
Searching for business addresses, linking with economic operators and local decision makers, assistance and support during your first installation, opening a representative office or a branch. The BLCCM can offer a fully equipped office and/or room for your meetings, forums and conferences. The BLCCM also organizes business trips, road show, round tables and conferences in different fields; in addition to business lunches.
Op zoek naar een andere kamer in het buitenland? Er zijn 33 geaccrediteerde Belgisch-Luxemburgse kamers van koophandel in het buitenland. Deze dragen bij tot de ontwikkeling en bevordering van de bilaterale handel tussen België, Luxemburg, en een derde land. Ze bieden een klankbord, ondersteuning en helpen ondernemers met praktische zaken bij het verkennen van nieuwe markten in het buitenland.