Polen – Belgian-Polish-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce

Operations Manager
Noordkustlaan 12-14
1702 Dilbeek
The Chamber offers “all in” services, which are provided by its network of experts in Belgium, Luxembourg and Poland:
The Chamber is a non-profit association of private companies, federations and entrepreneurs with business experience in Poland on investment and trade. They can share valuable experiences with you and help you to benefit from their contacts network. The Chamber’s mission is to promote Belgian and Luxembourg investments and exports to Poland, but it can also support Polish businesses to cooperate with Belgian and Luxembourg ones. Located in Brussels, the Chamber has a direct link with various international organisations and institutions.
The Chamber organises monthly meetings, B2B contacts and information activities and offers professional services adjusted to the needs of its members interested in doing business with or in Poland.
Op zoek naar een andere kamer binnen België? Er zijn 13 geaccrediteerde kamers van koophandel in België. De kamers brengen ondernemers in contact met de juiste partners en bieden seminaries, netwerkevents, en begeleiding voor ondernemers aan, maar doen ook actief aan lobbying op nationaal, gewestelijk en gemeentelijk niveau om de belangen van het bedrijfsleven te verdedigen.