be.connected and COBCOE Connects merge into CONNECTS
On 29 July, the two platforms formerly known as be.connected and COBCOE Connects, have merged into one single platform: CONNECTS.
As a result, all the users will be brought together on the platform and it will be easier for every member company to be visibly part of a wider global community. As for the users, all the features and benefits will remain the same and they will remain continuously supported by their Chamber of Commerce.
Connects remains committed to growing the platform that now 27 Chambers and more than 11,000 member companies use to become the new global standard for business connectivity, repositioning Chambers of Commerce as the gateway to business success in the 21th century.
To continually improve the platform, five new features have been added to it. Click here to find out more about them.
Connects, trusted business contacts around the world.