You want to start a company in Belgium?
Marvellous! The information below may help you do so.
Marvellous! The information below may help you do so.
Do you have specific plans for investing in Belgium? Or maybe you are already active here and you wish to further expand your activities? Get in touch with one of the Chambers of Commerce or with one of the three regional investment agencies:
For help with the various steps and for going through all the necessary formalities, you can turn to business counters. They fulfil the role of a “one-stop shop” within the scope of the European Services Directive.
You want to know which formalities you have to fulfil when establishing a company in Belgium? You don’t know which form of company to choose? You want to know which incentives exist? You need to register in the trade register? You are active in a so-called “regulated activity”? You wish to offer your services in Belgium without having a site here? You have queries about tax, social security, or staff policy?
The Business Belgium website will provide you with answers to these and other questions.
Do you have any questions or remarks? Do not hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to help you.