I want to do business abroad
Looking for specific information, documents or contacts to do business abroad? Our global network puts us in an excellent position to help you with your foreign activities.
Looking for specific information, documents or contacts to do business abroad? Our global network puts us in an excellent position to help you with your foreign activities.
Brexit is effective since 1 January 2021. Do you have questions? Take a look at our information page!
Would you like to get in touch with reliable partners so that you can enter new markets with peace of mind? CONNECTS is a platform that connects potential business partners and creates new business opportunities.
A non-preferential certificate of origin is a document that proves the nationality of your products.You can use our online application DigiChambers to easily obtain your certificate.
An ATA carnet enables fast and smooth temporary importation into the 78 member states of the ATA system, without payment of duties and taxes. Ideal for those travelling with professional equipment as part of a foreign project or for those taking part in a trade fair.
Digital certificates are used in many electronic applications that attach importance to authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation. With a class 3 GlobalSign certificate, you prove that you represent a specific organization.
Are you looking for a contact person who can answer your questions? Internationalisation is in the DNA of our entrepreneurs. We have a network of Belgian Chambers of commerce that is active all over the world.
Both the Chambers of Commerce in Belgium and the bilateral Chambers cooperate closely with the trade attachés of the Regions and with the diplomatic representatives of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs. Together we do everything we can to support you and your foreign projects as best we can.
There are 33 accredited Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce abroad. They help to promote bilateral trade between Belgium, Luxembourg, and the country in which they are established. The Chambers are made up of entrepreneurs who know what it is like to run a business abroad. They provide a sounding board and support and help entrepreneurs with practically in exploring new markets abroad.
There are 13 accredited Chambers of Commerce in Belgium. They represent the interests of companies at local, regional, national, and international levels. They bring entrepreneurs in touch with each other and provide an independent sounding board. They offer training and guidance, give advice and organise numerous networking events.