Where do I find the current details of a Belgian company?
All Belgian companies are registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE), the Belgian trade register. You can retrieve the current public details of companies and their subsidiaries through “Public Search”. The CBE also provides links to publications in the Belgian State Gazette and to their annual accounts.
Where can I get an extract from the trade register?
Extracts from the trade register (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) can be obtained from the business counters. Here you will find the list of business counters.
Whom should I turn to in the event of (internet) fraud?
If you are the victim of fraud (e.g. in the event of fraudulent business directories) you can turn to the Consumer Protection Department of the Federal Public Service Economy
Help needed?
Do you have any questions or remarks? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.