Corona, Coercion, Conflict: Great Power Politics in the 21st Century
Register now to our webinar!
Three weeks ago, an unexpected event occurred that has completely reshuffled the cards on the international scene. As we all saw one of the world’s most powerful nation break the rule of law, you might wonder: what will the Ukrainian crisis mean for my country? And what will tomorrow’s world look like?
In order to answer all of your questions, we have the honor of receiving Prof. Sven Biscop, who will present the webinar “Corona, Coercion, Conflict: Great Power Politics in the 21st Century” on 5 April at 11 am. The webinar is open to all members of Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce abroad.
At the beginning of this year, Sven Biscop gave a speech for the Belgian-Chinese Chamber. In tempore non suspecto, he drew a picture of the great world powers in our multipolar world: Rising China, Steady US, Challenged Europe and Declining Russia. But as you might expect, war changed everything. This webinar will give us more insight into the global political order and how the conflict in Ukraine could alter it.
The presentation will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.
If you want to register, please send an email to the following email address: