ACTS: Anti-corruption toolkit for SMEs

Protecting SMEs from corruption – How does corruption hamper European businesses?Chambers of Commerce and Industry play a special role in supporting businesses to protect themselves from corruption. In the framework of the ACTS project, co-funded by the EU, EUROCHAMBRES identified a range of anti-corruption initiatives of European Chambers of Commerce and NGOs. In this brochure, you will find out that Belgium contributes in the area “Training Business & Students”with a Business Ethics & Compliance Programme, a University Certificate resulting from the cooperation between the Catholic University of Leuven and ICC Belgium. Also, in the area “Ensuring good conduct in foreign transactions”, ICC Belgium issued its Anti-corruption guide for Belgian enterprises overseas.

New blog for international community

Belgium, a country at the crossroads of cultures, where multilingualism and international contacts are the order of the day. Brussels, the capital of the European Union, with more journalists and diplomats than any other city in the world. An ideal test market for companies willing to try out new products or services. In order to bring these and other assets to the attention of the international community, we created this new blog, together with ICC Belgium: are you ready for Belgium?

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