Don’t miss your chance to meet customs attachés!

Regional contact days with Belgian customs attachés for India, Russia, China and Indonesia

Would you like to talk about your plans or  specific problems with one or several customs experts? Several dates are available in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia.

More information about these events are available in French or in Dutch.

Incoterms 2020®: plan your training session!

The Incoterms® rules are the language of international trade that are used every day by millions of enterprises of all sizes from around the world. On 1 January 2020, the latest edition of the Incoterms rules, Incoterms 2020, will come into effect. You can already pre-order your copy of the of the Incoterms 2020 rules on this page.

As to enable users of the Incoterms to adapt, prepare and train their businesses for 1 January 2020, Belgian chambers of commerce will provide you with training days in the following months:

Is the Single market open for business? Let us know!

Eurochambres survey on single market barriers and solutions: your contribution matters!

In the European law text books, the Single Market was created 25 years ago. Unfortunately, the daily reality of entrepreneurs like you is such that doing business in another country of the European Union can still prove tricky.

Whether it is because of legislation, implementation issues or burdensome procedures to be completed, it is clear that we haven’t reached the full potential of the Single Market. This was confirmed in a survey of EUROCHAMBRES in which 70% of respondents said that the Single Market is not sufficiently integrated.

A new mandate of the European Commission will start in November under the leadership of Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen. With this survey it is your chance to have your say on what should be the priorities of the Commission for the next five years.

The survey gives you the opportunity to give your opinion on pre-identified obstacles and solutions to these obstacles. Our European association, EUROCHAMBRES, is gathering all the responses and will hand over a report to the European Commission, the national parliaments and the relevant legislators.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. It can be accessed via this link.

The deadline to complete the survey is 02 October. You can access it through the open link and save and resume your work later.  We look forward to reading your responses!

ICC adds Head of EU Affairs in Brussels

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) grows its Brussels presence to strengthen engagement with the European Union (EU).

ICC, the world’s largest business organisation, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Tom Vöge as Head of EU Affairs.

His career spans 18 years in intergovernmental organisations, management and strategy consulting, and academia and research institutes. A senior public policy and government affairs professional, Tom is an internationally recognised expert in the areas of sustainability, trade facilitation and industry, covering regulations, governance, and technology innovation.

Commenting on Mr Vöge’s appointment, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “In this time of rapidly shifting politics impacting everything from trade to climate change, we believe strongly that our global agenda could benefit from greater engagement with the  EU and other stakeholders in Brussels.”

Read more here.

Tom Vöge, ICC’s Head of EU Affairs

(NL) DigiChambers 2.0 – Infosessies

Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch and French.

be.connected and COBCOE Connects merge into CONNECTS

On 29 July, the two platforms formerly known as be.connected and COBCOE Connects, have merged into one single platform: CONNECTS.

As a result, all the users will be brought together on the platform and it will be easier for every member company to be visibly part of a wider global community. As for the users, all the features and benefits will remain the same and they will remain continuously supported by their Chamber of Commerce.

Connects remains committed to growing the platform that now 27 Chambers and more than 11,000 member companies use to become the new global standard for business connectivity, repositioning Chambers of Commerce as the gateway to business success in the 21th century.

To continually improve the platform, five new features have been added to it. Click here to find out more about them.

Connects, trusted business contacts around the world.

Discover our activity report 2018

Our Activity report is only available in French or in Dutch.

La CCI Brabant wallon en TV : les conséquences du Brexit sur nos entreprises

(FR) Découvrez la vidéo de l’émission TVCom Brabant wallon sur les conséquences du Brexit sur nos entreprises dans laquelle Dominique Verleye, International Relations Manager de la Chambre de Commerce du Brabant wallon, met en lumière l’expertise de la Chambre en matière internationale et l’aide que l’organisation offre aux entreprises en terme de Brexit.

Discover our new brochure “Belgian Chambers”

Why join a chamber of commerce? What can it offer? Read our folder and you will know it! We give you seven reasons to become a member and the benefits your company can expect. Through concrete examples and company testimonials, this folder perfectly illustrates the services that chambers of commerce can offer your company at all stages of its development.

Download our folder.

Our memorandum for the federal elections

Met een beperkte binnenlandse afzetmarkt en een grote buitenmarkt heeft België alle belang bij open grenzen en een open, vrij en eerlijk handels- en investeringsbeleid. Globalisering heeft België in het verleden veel welvaart gebracht en vermits 90% van de groei van de wereldeconomie buiten Europa wordt gegenereerd, zullen we ook in de toekomst afhankelijk blijven van internationale handel en investeringen voor onze welvaart. Een gelijk speelveld voor onze ondernemingen met hun buitenlandse concurrenten is daarbij cruciaal en daarvoor rekenen we op onze federale en regionale regeringen.

Samen met ICC België hebben we daarom een verkiezingsmemorandum uitgebracht onder de titel “Onze internationale handel versterken”. Hierin vragen we aandacht voor een aantal actiepunten die ons inziens kunnen bijdragen tot de internationale competitiviteit van de bedrijven in België.

Om het PDF-bestand van het memorandum te verkrijgen klik hier.